Thursday, May 6, 2010

Onions are IN

Red, Spanish and sweet onions planted in the fall have begun to show their scapes and will be ready to harvest soon. The last of the spinach has been plucked over the last week before it succumbed to the warmer temperatures. The potatoes were planted eight weeks ago and the "earlies" are blooming. The rest of the vegetable seeds have been in the soil for five weeks and the vegetables and fruits are springing forth on the tomatoes, beans and tomatillos. The cucumber and zucchini are following closely behind. Meanwhile, friends in Kentucky are just beginning to plant their spring garden and we are weeks from harvesting! In fact, a shipment of seed potatoes that was on back order from a grower was delivered this week and we forwarded it to our noted friends in Kentucky because it is too hot, wet and late in our season to grow them here in Florida. Living in the South has its advantages!


  1. so i made 95% of those pictures happen and you cant say my name

  2. Definitely need to give you gardening props- Nicholas!
