Wednesday, June 24, 2009

reality vs propaganda

Growing and producing edible fruits and vegetables is rewarding in its own right. The satisfaction from providing for yourself something that would normally be purchased from a third party is deeply rooted in our view of self reliance. Some very disingenuous individuals are promoting the idea that a few seeds and a little luck is all that is needed to grow the perfect, blemish free produce that is flown in from everywhere and is mounded at the supermarket. We deal with the reality of home based food production. The ups and downs, success and failures that come from natural plants being coaxed and grown by real people. The most important aspect of all multifaceted, complex endeavors is to start. In a pot, on the window sill, next to the compost need to compost! Intentions will not grow food. Words without actions grows frustration.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

macro production...micro scale

Welcome to a site dedicated to the realities of small plot food production in both urban and rual settings. Topics will drift from subject to actual results, with both positive and negative outcomes.